Male figure drawing #311A of a nude man is popular because of his twisting pose in dark line shadows, and the print is matted 11″x14″.
Male figure drawing #311A, or naked man stylus sketch, by artist Stephen Condren, BFA, SAIC, of Condren Galleries.
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Torso Figures
This image of a young nude man is looking right at you as he twists his torso, because he wants to show you his beauty. His posture nicely shows is muscles, because his twisting makes them stand out. The best was to appreciate the human figure is with different body contortions, because this offers a nice view of his physique.
Male figure drawing #311A
This is a pencil drawing, done with a 6B lead, because I wanted a softer line weight for the image. The image is just of the upper body, or the torso, because I did not want to expose his genitals. Genitals are fine to include in a drawing, because they are part of the human body. However, I chose not to include them, because genitals have not structure. The penis is flaccid, because it is not meant to be seen.Â
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Male figure drawing #311A of a nude man with his torso twisted in partial shade.
Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist
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