Lincoln Memorial watercolor #676A pen & ink landmark drawing is popular, because it is Classical, and the print comes matted or framed.
Lincoln Memorial watercolor #676A is a landmark watercolor drawing by artist Stephen Condren, BFA, SAIC, of Condren Galleries. This landmark is located in the National Mall.
Lincoln Memorial Watercolor #676A
This landmark watercolor of the memorial is done in a one-point perspective where all of the vanishing point join together at the center. The statue of Lincoln is at the center of the monument and makes for deep shadows suggesting the depth of the structure. The landmark is a Classical Greek landmark of the Doric style. The columns along the front are all equal except for those on the ends, which are put closer together. The reason for this was to offset the optical illusion of them falling away from the structure from a distance.
National Mall Landmark
Because this is the same rule that was used for building the Parthenon and other Greek and Roman structures. The Lincoln Memorial is perhaps the most revered landmark on Washington D.C., because he saved the Union and free us from slavery. This landmark is the most beautiful building on the National Mall, because it perfectly proportioned. The Landmark is a rectangular building of Classical design.
Because Greek and Roman architecture is beautiful, it is popular. The classical architecture sends a message of stability and even temperedness. Doric architectural style was used for this landmark to President Lincoln. The columns are simple and not garish or ornate. All of the detailing in the landmark is following line patterns.
The columns all around the landmark are fluted, because this gives strength to the beam. Stone is the material used for the structure, because it lasts a long time. There is no wood in the building, because it conflicts with the architectural design. The building is rectangular in shape and has a statue of Abraham Lincoln seated on a chair at the center.
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Lincoln Memorial watercolor #676A pen & ink landmark with it’s Classical Architecture.

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