Josh Kloss #1253A pen & ink celebrity watercolor is popular because of his shirtless bare chest with 6-pack, and the print is matted 11″x14″.
Josh Kloss #1253A is a pen & ink celebrity watercolor, by artist Stephen Condren, BFA, SAIC, of Condren Galleries. Because Josh Kloss watercolors are great, his prints are great!
Watercolor of Josh Kloss. This watercolor of super model, Josh Kloss makes use of pen & ink lines as well as watercolor to bring out the contour of his figure. This watercolor painting is done in combination with fine lines and cross-hatching. I have utilized two different ink tones and four different pen sizes to maximize the line weights for the different parts of his body.

Key elements to understanding the pencil watercolor are below
- Ink
- Posture
- Shading
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