Donald Trump NAZI shows the President with swastika after the Capital attack by his mob of terrorists. Framed and matted prints are for sale.
Donald Trump NAZI #131A, is a pen & ink drawing. Stephen F. Condren is the artist and a United States Navy Veteran, BFA, SAIC. President Donald Trump has now told the press that he has a clear conscious about what he said the day of the Capital Riot. He offers no apologies, or sorrow of any kind for the devastation of the Capital Riot. Donald Trump is just fine.

All during the Capital Riot, President Trump sat at the White House and watched the horror with delight. Like a good Nazi, President Trump, shows no signs of compassion, concern, or humanity for those that lost their lives and that were severely injured. In fact, President Trump was miffed that other that were with him were not so pleased with the assault on the Capital Building as he was. Because Donald Trump lacks respect and dignity for all people, it has been an easy task for him to be the President of the United States.
Counting Votes
Staff in his administration come and go like a turn-style, because no-one can work with him. It is impossible to advise Donald Trump on any matter because he knows everything. Because Donald Trump is the President you would think that he had read and understood the Constitution. However, this is not the case. What we have is a man that has no grasp of the document at all. For example, he has asked for Mike Pence to not accept the vote count and reverse the election in favor of himself (Donald Trump). Of course for starters, this means that President Trump is asking Mike Pence to break the law. For the Constitution clear states that the President of the Senate counts the votes. Further, Mike Pence can only do one thing, and that is to count the votes. He cannot ratify, certify, or verify the votes, only count them. He cannot even throw holy water on them!
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Donald Trump Nazi pen & ink drawing of the President in front of a swastika.

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