This article is about prayer with God #286Z, supplication to God, and friendship, a spiritual retreat and seminar conducted by Patricia Klein, Associate Dean, University of St. Mary of the Lake, at St. Gilbert Parish in Grayslake, Illinois, and written by artist and United States Navy Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Congratulations Patricia Klein!
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This fine event was sponsored by the St. Gilbert Discipleship Group under the aegis of Reverend John Chrzan, Pastor, and Reverend Christian Shiu, Associate Pastor.

Patricia Klein
Ms. Patricia Klein comes to us from Dusseldorf, Germany, where she was assistance to the Dean of Studies at the Regnum Christi in Dusseldorf, Germany. She is the co-author of Seelenwege: Orientierungshilfen zum gebet (Paths to the soul, a book on spiritual Theology and Christian prayer, particularly the Ignatian method of meditation . We were blessed with her presence.
Site And Date Of Prayer And God #286Z
- Location
The retreat was on Saturday, April 27, 2019, immediately after the 8:00 AM mass, located at the St. Gilbert Chapel Hall, Grayslake, IL
- Composition
The format of the program a set of round tables that seat approximately 8 persons each. These tables were clustered around the podium which had a screen behind it for visual presentations.
The Program
- Session
The program commenced with opening prayer from Pastor John Chrzan, then followed by an introduction from a committee member of the St. Gilbert Discipleship Group. After the introduction Patricia Klein came up to the podium and deliver her program.
The focus of the program was on prayer and our relationship with God and our Spiritual friendship. There were many excellent handouts that were great resources to us in attendance. Friendship is based on trust and thus our relationship with God is an important friendship to our Creator.
Patricia opened the discussion with the topic of friendship and brought up Aristotle’s famous categories on friendship from his Nicomachean Ethics. The three kinds of friendship being:
- Utilitarian
- Casual
- Honorific
The lasting being the finest kind of friendship and the kind that we seek with God.
Difficulties Encountered In Prayer
- Prayer challenges
Below is an image of one of the hands on prayer difficulties. As you can see it is well laid out and nicely delineates the various distractions in praying.

Resources For Prayer
Below is a roster of resources for further reading on prayer.

Forms Of Prayer
There are seven forms of prayer:
- Liturgical prayer
- Meditative reading
- Meditation
- The Prayer of Reconciliation
- Simplified inner praying
- Excursus on centering prayer
- Contemplation
Patricia spoke clearly on each of these kinds of pray that are mentioned in the outline that is below. I have only attached the first sheet of the four page handout.
After this session we then talked about the different kinds of prayer at each of our tables and then we prayed for each other according to our need.
To my great joy I had the pleasure to sit next to John and Linda, who are Lutherans from a Church in Palatine. Linda had told me that they were here to assist a friend that was in need of physical assistance for attending church here. When they came they saw the advertisement and signed up! I was so pleased. I of course had to tease them by letting them know that “Bolts of lightning are due to strike down at any moment!” We all laughed.
Both Linda and John offered a lot to us at our table.

Prayer and God #286Z
In conclusion I can only say the most positive and up beat things about the retreat. When I arrived I had no idea what to expect. I have grown up a Catholic and I have been praying since I was a child, what could I possibly learn about prayer here and now? I was in for a rude awakening.
Now, having taken this retreat I am going to put into practice some of the things that I have learned from Patricia, which will enrich my life and my relationship to God. Thank you Patricia Klein.
Condren Galleries Ltd. for prayer and God #286Z
- Prayer
Prayer and God #286Z
Condren Galleries is pleased to have been to participate in the retreat about prayer and God #286Z.
Stephen F. Condren is in support for the retreat on prayer and God #286Z
- Artist
As an artist I have made watercolor house portrait #000Z a staple of my architectural rendering works.
Alt Image Tag
Prayer and God #286Z, supplication to God, pen & ink drawing with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren at Condren Galleries.
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