This article is about Philadelphia skyline drawings and prints, which are for sale at discount with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans. Drawing can be done with lead pencil or charcoal. The later is more difficult in that the lines are rough and soft so that it does not leave crisp delineations. However, the other side of charcoals is their rich tone and unsurpassed granular tones. Complimenting charcoal is lead, for lead has the same tonal qualities but offers the precision of pen & inks. The lead of the pencil is so very natural when it touches the paper that you feel it was all meant to be. Prints & Scans Of This Drawing #172Z ~ Order Here.
When I draw with lead pencil I general do a very light sketch first, very light. After this I then go to the center of the paper and start to align all of the elements of the scene on to the paper. This is a rather geometric task but has to be done to align everything. When working with architectural subject this is imperative. After all of the elements have been aligned I then start the process of “sculpting out” the image of the major structures in the skyline. Once I have these in place then I can proceed to delineation of the main buildings and use contour lines where necessary. I generally do not use contour lines excessively as they can flatten your images. Finally, when the delineation is complete I work in the shade and shadows.
Shade & Shadows
The best way to acquire good tonal range with pencil and charcoal is through slow and gradual pressure on the pencil to the paper so as to increase pressure. With the pressure comes a darker line that can be gently smeared to cast shadows and shading. Unlike pen & inks where you make use of hatching and cross-hating to cast all of your shading and shadows. Make shade and shadows with pencil can be similar for sure, but then you can gradually apply pressure and rub it along the paper to a wider range. This is something that you cannot do with pen & inks, for the are strictly and on/off standard.
Philadelphia Skyline Art Link
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Philadelphia skyline pen & ink drawing of downtown, Philadelphia skyline pen & inks