This article is about Philadelphia Skyline #033ZÂ Pen & Ink Drawing Of Downtown, which is for sale at discount with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans. This is my drawing of the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, skyline and FDR Park. Prints & Scans Of This Drawing #033Z ~ Order Here.
Philadelphia Skyline Pen & Ink Drawing Of Downtown #790. Key points in the drawing are:
- The use of brown ink.
- Cross hatching.
- Building contour lines.
In this lovely drawing of Philadelphia I have made an effort to carefully detail both the landscape and the skyscrapers that tower behind FDR Park. When doing this I made use of cross hatching to get the full range of tones given off my shade and shadows of both the landscape and the buildings. I am very pleased with how well the hatching brings out the charm of the Classical structure in the bottom right side of the drawing.
The drawing of the trees is very full and rich which is essential in visually supporting the skyscrapers that jut out from behind them. There is a strong sense of continuity throughout the drawings that makes the viewer want to come back to look and see what other things can be seen in the drawing.
Philadelphia Skyline #033ZÂ Pen & Inks Link
Philadelphia skyline pen & inks