Penis circumcision pen&ink #588Z, or penis mutilation, a case for the forbidding of circumcision on minors, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, with gay LGBTQ approved prints, and scans.
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Penis Circumcision
Penis Mutilation
The greatest form of child molesting is the legal medical practice of the circumcision of minors without their consent, because their rights have been forfeited. New born babies just new to the earth are cursed with the most horrible, sick practice of cutting off their foreskin, because of the folly of ancient religious beliefs. Circumcision is clear cut body destruction, and mutilation, because it destroys an important health guard to the human body.
Mandate For Laws Forbidding Circumcision On Minors
Since babies are minors they are entrusted with special protection by the law, because they cannot speak. Laws need to be passed to forbid all circumcisions on minors, because they need protection. No one knows the mind of a child, so let them decide for themselves if they want this. The weak, and innocent must be protected.
Pencil Drawing
Above is my pen & ink drawing of a flaccid circumcised penis, because the foreskin is gone. If you look closely you can see the pencil lines from my sketch below the ink. The pencil sketch is my guide for the ink, because it makes a light weight path for the flow of the ink.
Pen & Ink Drawings With Prints & Scans
The pen & ink drawing is clearly rendered so as to show the line of demarcation from the circumcision surgery, because the meatus, and glans are exposed. I used different pen thickness to achieve the right texture of tone on the drawing, because the image is very detailed. If you look closely at the glans, you can see the very fine lines that I used, because this was done with ultra fine cross-hatching lines.
Male Beauty
Male beauty is enhance with the penis, because it is the organic design of our body. Upon cutting off of the foreskin you deform the image of the human figure, because you see the scare of surgery. Scars do not make the human figure more attractive, because they blemish the texture, and undulation of the human form. The gay LGBTQ Community understand male beauty, because this is their persona.
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Penis circumcision pen&ink #588Z, or penis mutilation, with prints & scans, by artist Stephen F. Condren of Condren Galleries, with gay LGBTQ approved prints, and scans.
Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery
Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist
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Penis #520Z