This article is about Lake County Housing #303Z, honoring tenants with flowers and dignity, written by artist and United States Navy Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Congratulations Lake County Housing!
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Administrators In Service
Lorraine Hocker, Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer
Aaron Broeski, Senior Property Manager
Hawley Manor in Grayslake, Illinois
Tenants Honored By Lake County Housing #303Z
- Dignity
This morning Lake County Housing Authority came to Hawley Manor in downtown Grayslake, to honor it’s senior residents by planting flowers along the parkway of the outside of the building. Their efforts have made a showcase of this fine building.
The team of workers were staff members of Lake County Housing Authority. Heading up the team was Lorraine Hocker, Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer and Arron Broeski, Senior Property Manager, both can be seen at the top of the page.
Senior Citizens
Hawley Manor is a senior citizen residential facility in downtown Grayslake, just one block from the Grayslake Fire Prevention District. Since many of the residents are not able to get out and do gardening the administration of Lake County Housing Authority has taking up the banner and set things in order at the manor.
Both Lorraine Hocker and Aaron Boeski are veteran public service administrators and have the ability, knowledge , and talent to get things done, and with stealth. With smiles on their faces and garden tools in their hands Lorraine and Aaron came to make things better. Thank you!
The People

The Helpers

The Staff



On Task

Taking The Task In Hand

Condren Galleries Ltd. For Lake County Housing #303Z
Lake County Housing #303Z Honoring Senior Citizens
- Fine Arts Gallery
Condren Galleries is pleased to have been to participated in the execution of Lake County Housing #303Z.
Stephen F. Condren For Lake County Housing #303Z
Lake County Housing #303Z As Beautifying Grayslake
- Artist
As an artist I have made Lake County Housing #303Z a site a beauty with more flowers in the city.
Alt Image Tag
Lake County Housing #303Z pen & ink drawing with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren at Condren Galleries.