Faith On Demand #433Z, with pen & ink drawing, and pencil portrait, by artist Stephen F. Condren, SAIC, BFA, of Condren Galleries.
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Faith On Demand
More offensive to me than faith in Jesus, which I have discussed as bogus, (see my article), is the demand of the clergy to mandate not only what you believe, but how you believe. No one can tell you what to believe, because you have a mind of your own. If I do not believe in the Trinity, does that not make me a Christian? If I do not believe that all men are not created equal, will I lose my citizenship?
Mind Of Your Own
You have a mind of your own, therefore, let no one legislate what and how you believe. Mono-centric faith, like that of the Dark Ages, always dies, because it feeds on itself. However, heterogenous faith, is healthy, and vibrant because it feeds on the world outside. Thus, the more pluralist your faith, and reason is, the healthy you will be.
Pen & Ink Drawing Of Faith On Demand #433Z
Above is my pen & ink drawing of a Judge mandating what, and how you are to believe.
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Faith On Demand #433Z pen & ink drawing by artist Stephen F. Condren.
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