Clouds received Him #595Z, or mythological Heavenly Hosts, a case for false celestial beings living in the skies after death, with a watercolor of the evening sunset, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Of This Watercolor #595Z ~ Order Here.
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The Clouds Received Him
Mythological Heavenly Hoasts
An important point that has never been addressed, to my knowledge, by any Theologian, or Scientist, is the matter of breathable oxygen in skies of Jesus era, because He was received into the clouds. In other words, the people of Bible Times, thought that there was an endless, and eternal breathable atmosphere up to the stars, to the moon, and to Heaven, even to the point of building a Tower of Babble to it, because of their limited knowledge of the solar system, and the earth’s biosphere.
Mindset Of Bible Times
The mindset of these time was crude, and severely limited, because they were uneducated. The Gospel writers felt at ease to tell the world that Jesus was received straight to the clouds, Acts, 1:9 , because He was assumed into Heaven. The Gospel writers, as willing swindlers, were ready to sell you their bogus bill of goods at your expense, because their agenda was control over you. If these frauds were truly “inspired” by God, then they surely would have known that the world was round, and that no organic living organism can survive outside of the earth’s protective shield, because you would be annihilated by comic rays, meteor showers, and radiation just for starters.
Upper Stratusphere
The people of these time actually thought that all of the heavens were filled with fresh air, because they repeatedly tell of Jesus, and the saints being taken up into the clouds. 1 Thessalonians 4:17, 1 Corinthians 15:52, telling us about heavenly spaces, because we would live up there. We are taught, as strict teaching of the Church, that Mary was assumed into Heaven, because she did not have to die. She was just lifted up into the air, therefore we have our physical bodies up in heaven. I am sorry, but I do not buy any of this, because it is un-Scientific rubbish, and totally bogus.
The Cards Don’t Stack Up
Just as in Archeological digs that demand the most exacting specifications for putting the pieces of the pot, or ancient site together, so too with the work of competent Theologians. Modern Science has clearly proved that there is no life in physical bodies outside of our atmosphere. Yet the Bible writers, supported by modern Theologians tell us otherwise. Current Revisionist, and Post-Structural Theologians, as “advanced thinkers” have come up with wonderful Academic jargon to weave a “rational” and “modern approach” to these “difficult” verses. Thus further swindling both themselves, and the public to join them for a swim in the Sea of Gibber.
Scientific Fact
All of this clearly points to the fact that the early Church did not know what they were talking about, because they were wrong. As we all now know, the earth is covered with a very thin layer of atmosphere, because this is a Scientific fact. In other words, Bible writers are getting away with the swindle of a completely fabricated tail about celestial beings living in the heavens, or clouds. More disturbing, is that Prelates of the Church to this very day endorse this wholesale line of rubbish, because we, as the faithful are expected to go along with it. I am sorry, but I do not go along with it, and further, because of this gross, and wholesale pack of lies I am not “One of the faithful”.
Sea Of Gibber
Do not listen to their lies, rather demand from them the facts, because then you will see them, with your own eyes, squirm like worms, crawling back into the sand on the shores of the Sea of Gibber.
Bottom Line
Because of the gross errors, or really lies, for the Bible writers were telling us something that they should have known to be true, because they were “inspired by God” to write as such. The whole thing is a hoax, and should be washed away, and put on the shelf with other famous tales of mythology from antiquity.
Watercolor Sunset With Prints & Scans
Prints & Scans Of This Drawing #595Z ~ Order Here.
Alt Image Tag
Clouds received Him #595Z, or mythological Heavenly Hosts, with a watercolor sunset by artist Stephen F. Condren of Condren Galleries, offering prints & scans.
Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery
Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist
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