Legendary status #541Z, or quasi-divinity, a case for doing away with the ethereal status of famous historical figures, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Of This Drawing #541Z ~ Order Here.
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Legendary Status
This is a topic that has burned in my mind for decades, because it is important to address. No man is a god, or even close to it, because we are all mortals. Thus, when we encounter men that have achieved great things such as Einstein, Mozart, and Leonardo Da Vinci we have to pause, because we need to asses their works in the context of their times, and our times. Further, we have to asses how their works bare on our lives, because we are the recipients of their creativity.
I am not here to put down anyone, or his work, because I am here to critique, not to tear down. No man’s work is on such a high status that it has become “holy” or “sacrosanct”. However, that is what is going on all the time, because people do not know any better.
Frank Lloyd Wright
The architecture of Frank Lloyd Write is famous the world over, because he made bold new plans in his time. However, many of his building are quite ugly, and outdated. Yet, when you say this to any museum curator, or a professor of Architecture, you are looked at like you came from Mars. To even think that any house of Frank Lloyd Wright’s is ugly, or poorly executed makes you look bad, because these academicians want to elevate themselves at your expense.
I do not like the works of Picasso, because his work is crude. That is my opinion, and I hold it, because I am a graduate of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. However, on one occasion I expressed this view to people of “culture” and “good breeding” and I was scolded! I was then told “As an artist you above all should have an appreciation of the works of a great artist like Picasso.” I followed up by telling the person that I thought so little of Picasso that I did not even waste any of my time by attending the exhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago. They could not handle it.
Famous Vs. Great
I prefer to use the term famous artist rather than great, because there are a lot of poor, and sub-standard artists that are not great, but surely famous. All of the works of Vincent van Gogh are crude, and mediocre drafting’s. Yet, if you express this sentiment in public you are in trouble, because you are crossing a line. Vincent van Gogh was insane, and his works show it. There is no genius in any of his tawdry works of art, because they are banal.
Fine Art
Below is my drawing of a shirtless cowboy, which I will put before anything of Picasso, or Vincent van Gogh.
Bottom Line
I am not an advocate of “Culture by the yard”, and impressing people with things that look, and sound lofty, because many things by great artists are banal, and crude. My advice is to appreciate that which calls you. because you will be better off as a person. Legendary status #541Z of any work should be dropped, and looked at for what it is. No work of any man is legendary, because legends are based on fables.
Pencil Drawing With Prints And Scans
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Legendary status #541Z, or quasi-divinity, shows a pen & ink drawing of a king’s crown by artist Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries offering prints, and scans.
Pen & Ink Drawings With Prints & Scans
Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery
Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist
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