This article is about Chicago skyline #042Z Pen & Ink Drawing Of 600 North Lake Shore Drive , which is for sale at discount with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans. This in an article on my pen & ink drawing of 600 North Lake Shore Drive in Chicago, Illinois.
Chicago Skyline Pen & Ink Drawing Of 600 North Lake Shore Drive #207. These are the key points of this article.
- Time of day.
- Lake Shore Drive.
- Perspective.
- Time of day: This pen & ink drawing of 600 N. Lake Shore Drive was done in the afternoon. The sky is clear and the sun is bright making for an excellent day to draw. Since it is a sunny day I am able to clearly draw all the details o the building for I can see everything. My focus is on the two main buildings and then I have gently lightened the detail of the adjacent buildings so that they do not take away from the subject. This trees in the foreground ad a soft touch to a concrete and steel subject.
- Lake Shore Drive: The location of this building is on Chicago’s North Lake Shore Drive, directly across from Chicago Navy Pier. Lake Shore Drive is famous for it’s towering skyscrapers, beautiful vistas of Lake Michigan, and luxury residences. This area of Lake Shore Drive is a mix commercial, residential, and educational structures. Chicago Navy Pier is directly across the street and just up the drive are a number of hospitals, clinics, and educational institutions.
- Perspective: I have made use of 2-Point Perspective in the creation of this drawing. The left side vanishing point is not far off of the paper whereas the right vanishing point is quite a bit to the right side. If you look carefully at the drawing you can see the alignment of the rays to the respective points. I have done with my eye rather than with T-Square and ruler as I am doing a drawing and not an architectural rendering.