This article is about the Better Business Bureau’s Complaint Free Award written by artist and United States Navy Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery.

Good Business Practice
At the mid-point of every year the Better Business Bureau sends out to it’s member businesses the Complaint Free Award, based on the previous year’s good business practice. The award is given in the middle of the year, so business can promote the practice. Once all the data has been gathered and sorted the Better Business Bureau sends out the award to complying member companies. I advertise my award, so as to get more business. The Complaint Free Award is good, because people trust those who have it. I have made it a practice to ask clients for reviews, so as to build better trust in my business. Many people have written reviews, because they like my service.
Trust is the foundation of good business practice, because it builds up your reputation.
The most important thing about the Better Business Bureau is that it is a reputable company. When you work with the BBB, you will always be welcomed. All business trust the Better Business Bureau because it is honest. I have joint the BBB because it is good for business. The BBB is strong because it works all over the country. Because the BBB has a good history of giving advice, it follows good educational practices. The BBB work with many Colleges, and Universities, to help educate new students. The best practice is to be hones, because people will come to you.