Trump Reign of Terror! pen & ink insurrection drawing of a gallows out front of the Capital Building with the mob yelling “Hang Pence”. Stephen Condren is the artist and a Navy Veteran, BFA, SAIC. This is about the riot at the Capital Building. Last Wednesday in Washington D.C. the Capital Building was raided. The drawing show a gallows with a rope and noose ready to hang Vice President Mike Pence.

Last Wednesday marked a turning point in the history of the United States of America, whereas we have had for the first time a non-peaceful transition of governments. President Donald Trump earlier in the day incited his supports to march to Capital Hill and take a stand. Well they mob did more than take a stand, they broke into the Capital Building killed people, and looted the structure!
In my drawing Trump Reign of Terror!, I have show a view of the grounds out side of the Capital Building where a gallows with a rope was hung for Vice President Mike Pence. The crowd was dangerous and looking for trouble. As time passed the crowd got more, and more angry.
President Trump lied to his people and told them that he would join them, but he did not. Rather than join them he stayed at the White House, and with delight, watched them raid, and loot the Capital Building. Donald Trump is a man of delusion and the only way that he knows how to deal with people is to use them as tools for his own gain at their expense.
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Trump Reign of Terror! #127A, pen & ink insurrection drawing of gallows in front of Capital Building.

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