Crown of thorns #517Z, pen & ink portrait with pencil sketch, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Revealing the myth of Jesus’s crown. Prints & Scans Of This Portrait #517Z ~ Order Here.
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Crown Of Thorns
Laurel Garland Of The Honorable Victory
According to the Gospels Jesus wore a crown of thorns, because He was crowned with them by Pontius Pilate. Jesus supposedly wore a stephanos or garland wreath of thorns, because He was being mocked. However, this point brings out the error in the Bible, because Pontius Pilate would have put a crown on Him. A stephanos is a symbol of victory, not the crown of the king, because you have to earn it. For Pontius Pilate’s orders to inscribe “King of the Jews” he would have put a diadem, not a stephanos on Jesus’s head, because Jesus was a king.
Stephanos Vs Diadem
The “crown” of Pontius Pilate that was put on Jesus’s head was a crown of the king, because that is what he had inscribed above Jesus on the cross, Matthew: 27, 37. A stephanos of thorns, or anything, just does not work, because it has nothing to do with kingship. Pontius Pilate would have known that, because he was a lawyer, and knew the law.
Pen & Ink Drawing Of Crown of thorns #517Z
Below is my pencil drawing of Jesus wearing a stephanos, because it is open at the front. The entire concept of a crown for Jesus stems from the Judaizers, subconsciously under the heels of King David. Thus, they came up with the concept of “King of the Jews”. This would have been a diadem, not a stephanos.
Hellenistic Jews
With the advent of the Hellenistic Jews things change, because they were educated. The Hellenistic Jews changed the diadem given to Jesus by Pontius Pilate to a stephanos at the stoning of St. Stephen, because the stephanos is ethereal. The Hellenistic Jews very cleverly changed the story of Jesus from mockery to victory! Jesus was transformed from the King of the Jews, to the savior of the world. This was very radical, and very new, because the Hellenistic Jews were taking over the grass-roots movement of John the Baptist, and his second in command; Jesus. Understand that the Gospels are the writings of winners, because they rubbed out the diadem of the Judaizers, and worked in the thorns.
Jesus Was Never Crowned
The crowning of Jesus is mythology. The Romans would never have put up with maintaining Jesus’s hairdo, and makeup. This was a killing, and not a Hollywood production. These Roman soldiers had no time for nonsense, and they were not going to put any wreath on anyone’s head, nor were they going to write out and post up inscriptions. The entire storyline is a hoax. Golgotha was a stinking filthy place, and those who were out there were doing the most heinous, and vile act of brutally stringing up naked men to a cross to die in anguish.
These men, as criminals, were crying, howling, and screaming the entire time, all day long, because they were dying. No Roman soldier, out in this living Hell, was going to bother at all with the show business of a crown of any kind, much less a notice of Kingship to be mounted on the cross.
These soldiers were Romans, and not Jews, and took disgust in the whole scene, because they had to put in their 20 years to secure their pension.
Mythological Crown
The concept of the crown was devised by the Judaizers as diadem for their King, and transfigured to a stephanos by the Hellenistic Jews, to carry their new storyline of Savior. We now leave behind the King of the Jews, and herald in the Savior of the World, which is all pure mythology. There was never any crown, for it was concocted by the Judaizers, because they wanted to keep their grass-roots movement alive. The crown of thorns was as real as the Tarnhelm from Wagner’s Ring Cycle. The diadem belongs to Jesus, the earthly King of the Jews, and the stephanos belongs to Christ, the ethereal Savior of the World.
The Judaizers wanted a King David, and a Kingdom, because kingship offered meaning, and security. The Hellenistic Jews wanted a Philosophy that made sense of the new world order. Thus, they took the myth of the diadem, and transformed it into a stephanos, because they needed a Tarnhelm that would help them take on the new world order. Now with the crown of victory, and the trumpet of the archangel who could stop them?

Pen & Ink Drawings With Prints & Scans
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Crown of thorns #517Z, pen & ink portrait, and pencil, with prints & scans, by artist Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries.
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